Our journey so far...


Once there was a boy named Mattia.
He had a bit of a rough patch, but things were turing around.
He finily found a stable job and a new kitten that he named Mittens.
But this was just the beginning of a whole new chapter in his life.


After recieving a match on tinder from someone more then 9000km away in februarie and he only saying the words: "Hi" to her.
He finaly found the courage to start talking to her at the start of April.

About half a month later he asked her to be his girlfriend.
After some daubts she finily said yes and made him the happiest he has been in a long time.


Time whent by and they were happy, but there was one big problem, they haddent met yet.
As time went by the presure to meet became bigger and bigger, so october 2de he went to visit her.

2 October 2019

After a 16 hours flight he finally arrived in Taiwan.
And there she was waiting for him <3 <3 <3

Our first picture

She took him to so many places and introduced him to so many types of food he never eaten before.

Cuties :p

They went to a small village where she went to school and met up with one of her friends.
They went for a long walk, ate shaved ice, had a great time all together.

Shaved ice

Next she took him to a village on the side of a mounten.

They had a great time looking at all the small shops.
There she took him to him to eat Xiao Long Bao and after that they went for sushi, for him his very first time.
